The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, gave his Autumn Statement on 22nd November 2023 explaining the forecasted
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, gave his Autumn Statement on 22nd November 2023 explaining the forecasted
The contentious Renters Reform Bill is due to receive its second reading in the House of Commons on
The National Residential Landlords Association has announced the start of a new partnership with Leaders Romans Group (LRG).
Leaders Romans Group (LRG) has made three internal promotions at a senior level within its Property Management team.
By Richard O’Neill, Managing Director, Lettings at Romans Estate Agents As a landlord, your property’s yield is an
Ian Barnett, National Land Director, LRG The process from a Local Plan allocation to a digger on site typically stretches
SOWN a new name within shared ownership, launched today. The evolution of Leaders Romans Group (LRG)’s shared ownership
After mortgage rates rose for the fourteenth consecutive month on 3 August, concerns about house prices rose too.
Three Sixty Space, a division of Leaders Romans Group (LRG), recently launched 60 newly converted apartments at Compass
Andy Jones, Group Director, Corporate & Build to Rent, LRG The concept of Build to Rent (BTR) and